thierry rene matos

front end web developer and translator - sao paulo / brasil
my name is thierry rene, and I work with IT solutions for almost 10 years. Most of the time, I acted as a support analyst, but since 2009 I started working with webdevelopment in freelance projects.
I'm currently studying IT management in anhembi morumbi with full scholarship PROUNI.Previously I studied information systems, giving up because of the curriculum of thecourse grade. I made two technicians in Senac, all with full scholarship, computertechnician and technical development of web applications.
i have a blog where i share everything i know about web development.
Guia de introdução aos conceitos HTTP e REST
Dica Rápida: Como Utilizar a Tag "picture" do HTML5 Para Trabalhar Imagens Responsivas
Popups e Modals nativos com o elemento "dialog" do HTML5
Dica rápida: utilizando o atributo "download" do HTML5
Atalhos Uteis Para Otimizar seu Workflow no Sublime Text 3
Como Criar um Portfólio Baseado no Instagram Utilizando o Bootstrap
Entendendo os elementos "details" e "summary"
Como Adicionar Pontos Customizados no Google Maps
Criando um dashboard dinâmico com o ChartJS
Tudo que você precisa saber sobre o atributo Data do HTML5