Envato Tuts+ Terms of Use

Welcome to Envato Tuts+!

This section talks about the contract you enter with us when you use our Envato Tuts+ sites. We’ve explained the meaning of the words in bold at the end of these terms.
1.Hi, we’re Envato. Welcome to Envato Tuts+, Envato’s online learning service. We hope you have a blast learning from our range of tutorials, courses, eBooks, and more! This is our agreement that we make with you when you use the Envato Tuts+ sites.
2.Thanks for taking the time to read and understand these terms because they govern your use of our sites and set out your rights and obligations.
3.If you can’t, or don’t want to, accept these terms, then we’re sorry but you must not use the Envato Tuts+ sites.
4.You need to be 16 years or over to browse the Envato Tuts+ sites. We don’t knowingly collect any information from anyone aged 16 or under. 

Learning With Us

5. We want you to enjoy our sites and learn from them. We give you permission to use the sites and the content in exchange for accepting our terms and complying with them.
6. We give you the right to use it in the following ways (in legal speak we give you a revocable, non-exclusive license to do the following things). You can:
a.use the effects and techniques demonstrated in the content, and the knowledge you learn, for personal or commercial purposes, without needing to say where you learned it (attribution);
b.use, modify and manipulate assets made available like source files but only for your own personal, educational purposes and without redistributing them.

Take a look at the rest of these terms (especially sections 22–26) for some details on source files and things you can’t do under your license to the content.

Helping to Keep Our Free Content Free

7.We don’t charge you to access the free content, but we do use some common strategies to help us pay our contributors to create such great educational resources—these might include affiliate programs, sponsored posts, advertising and so on.
8.Some of these relationships, such as affiliate programs, might mean that we receive a commission if a purchase is made from a site we link to. It is up to you to make sure that products and services of other sites we link to meet your needs, as we don’t formally endorse any products or services of these other sites. We don’t have control over anyone else’s sites so we can’t be responsible for them. But of course, we only suggest something if we think it is worthy. If you have feedback on an affiliate, let us know.

Fair Use

9.You may be able to download some types of content to your computer but all content is subject to a ‘fair use’ policy. Our ‘fair use’ policy requires that your use of the site, especially content accessed by subscription, must be fair, genuine and reasonable. For example, the total amount of content you download must be reasonable in light of your actual education and learning needs, and the time needed to genuinely engage with that content. We will use our reasonable discretion to decide whether you have met our ‘fair use’ policy. By using Envato Tuts+ and downloading items, you agree to and are bound by our ‘Fair Use Policy’.

Your Envato Tuts+ Account

This section will help you understand how you’re responsible for access to your account and what you can expect from us.
10.You must not share your account username and password with anyone else or allow anyone else to access your account. You are responsible for every use of the sites that occurs in conjunction with use of your username and password.
11.You are responsible for keeping your username and password confidential and must use reasonable efforts to do so. You must notify us as soon as possible if you become aware of any unauthorised use of your username, password, or account.

Restricting Access

This section will help you understand when we might restrict your access.
12. We may restrict, suspend or terminate your access to your account at any time at our discretion if we decide you’ve breached these terms or any law that applies. We’ll be reasonable in exercising our discretion and making such a decision.

Ownership and Use

13.We, or our instructors, own or have licensed the rights in the content. We also own the rights in the design, compilation and look and feel of the sites. This includes intellectual property rights like copyright.

What you can’t do with content

14.Our business, and that of our instructors, is based on intellectual property (IP) including copyright. We need to protect our IP so we can keep giving you access to awesome content.
15.You agree that you won’t redistribute, frame, repurpose or copy content (unless specifically allowed in these terms), and you won’t use content for any purpose that we have not expressly stated. If you love our content, please send others to the sites rather than send the content to them!
16.The trademarks and logos on the sites belong to Envato or to others, and you must not use these without the approval of the owner.

Source Files

17.As a part of your learning with us, we may provide you with access to source files like source code or media files that have their own licenses. This means that for those source files with separate licenses you may be able to use them for things broader than what we’ve outlined in section 6 like for commercial use or redistribution. Read the individual license for those source files to find out what you can do. You’ll need to decide for yourself whether your use of these sources files is covered under each individual license, which are available with the source file download.

Your Content

18.Effects and Techniques: As we’ve said in section 6, you may use the effects and techniques demonstrated in the content, and the knowledge you learn, for personal or commercial purposes. You own the rights in the things you create when you apply your knowledge independently of using assets like source files.
19.Forum and Community Rules: We’d like you to participate in the Envato Tuts+ dialogue. We’re a community! Often you’ll have the opportunity to comment or post on our sites. You retain ownership of any intellectual property in your content but by posting it on our sites you’re giving us permission (a license) to use it on our sites. This permission includes allowing us to publish it (or not), to feature it, to move it to a more appropriate forum, and to store or delete it.
20.Our Envato Tuts+ community is made of great people who know what is and is not acceptable online. We do have a liberal comments policy and welcome constructive criticism so that we can keep improving.
21.But just to keep it clear, you agree to follow any forum or community rules on the sites, including our Acceptable Use Policy, and that you won’t post anything that:
a.affects other users’ use or enjoyment of the sites;
b.is false, misleading, fraudulent, unlawful, abusive, harassing, defamatory, obscene, vulgar, or offensive;
c.infringes others’ rights, including privacy or intellectual property rights;
d.discloses personal information about others, particularly sensitive information;
e.contains a virus, spyware, or other harmful component;
f.contains commercial solicitation or ‘spam’.
22.We retain the right to take down any user content for any reason at all. We may give notice beforehand or provide a reason but we’re not obliged to do so and this may not always be possible. We’re not liable for any content posted by others on our sites.


This section will help you understand our rules to guard your personal information.
23.We respect your privacy and process your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Our Privacy Policy explains how we deal with your information.

Intellectual Property Concerns

24.We respect the IP rights of others, including those who have been nice enough to let us use any of their material or assets on our sites. Please contact us if you believe that your intellectual property or other rights are being affected by anything on the site.
25.If you are specifically making a copyright-based claim about content, please send the following information to copyright@envato.com:
a.your address, telephone number, and email address;
b.a description of the location of the alleged infringing material;
c.a description of the copyright work that has been allegedly infringed;
d.a statement by you that you warrant that the information given in your claim is accurate and that you are either the copyright owner or are authorised to act on the copyright owner’s behalf; and
e.your physical or valid electronic signature.

Things You Can’t Do on Our Sites

25.In using the sites you agree that you will not:
a. use a false email address, impersonate others, or misrepresent your affiliation with others;
b. attempt to gain unauthorized access to computer systems or materials through Envato Tuts+;
c. engage in automatic gathering of information from or through Envato Tuts+ (such as “spidering”, “screen scraping”, “database scraping” or harvesting of e-mail addresses);
d. attempt to interrupt or alter Envato Tuts+’ operation in any way (for example through sending mass unsolicited messages, “flooding” servers, or introducing a virus, time bomb, trojan horse, worm, cancelbot or other computer routine);
e. use Envato Tuts+ or any of the content in a way that violates applicable law, that violates the intellectual property or other rights of us or others, or that is fraudulent, obscene, offensive, misleading, or defamatory;
f. use scripts to automatically mass download content;
g. insert advertising, branding or other promotional content into the site or content;
h. except as allowed in these terms, copy, distribute, transmit, modify or otherwise exploit content, data or code on the sites.

Liability and Disclaimer:

26.There may be consumer laws where you live. We don’t purport to exclude or modify them if they apply. We call these non-excludable consumer laws.
27.Except as required by a non-excludable consumer law:
a.we are only bound by the express promises we make in these terms. We’re not bound by implied terms;
b.we don't promise that the content or your access to the sites will be uninterrupted or error-free, that any defects will be corrected, or that the site or content are free of viruses or any other harmful components;
c.we don’t make any promises about (and we’re not liable for) your access to or reliance on the sites or content in terms of correctness, accuracy, timeliness, completeness, reliability or otherwise;
d.we’re not liable for indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages, loss or revenue or loss of profits which result from any use of or access to, or any inability to use or access, the sites or content; and
e.to the fullest extent permitted by law, our liability for breach of any warranty or condition which cannot be excluded is limited, at our option, to either replacement or paying the cost of replacement.
27. Access and Availability: We’ll try to make sure that you have 24/7 access and we’ll try to keep any downtime to a minimum. We may need to interrupt or suspend your access to the site or the provision of the site’s services and content, for maintenance, technical or other reasons but we’ll try to be quick.
28. Taxes, Fees and Charges: You are responsible for paying all fees and taxes associated with your use of the sites wherever levied (including withholding tax, if applicable).
29. Changes to Terms: We can change terms at any time but we’ll do our best to post information about this on the sites before the changes take effect. If a change we make has a material effect on you to your detriment we will give you reasonable prior notice about the change, before it takes effect. If you continue to use the sites after the terms change, you will be accepting the new or revised terms.
30. Interpretation: Words like ‘include’ and ‘including’ are not words of limitation and where anything is within our discretion we mean our sole discretion (unless these terms say otherwise).
31. Applicable Laws: We control and operate the site from our offices in Australia. The laws of Victoria, Australia govern these terms— you and Envato submit to the jurisdiction of the courts there.
32. Definitions:

account - your account is your personal portal that is accessed with a username and password.

content - all types of content available on the site including things like tutorials, courses, descriptions, eBooks, user forum content, assets or materials owned by others.

Envato, we or us - Envato Pty Ltd ABN 11 119 159 741, of Melbourne, Australia.

personal use - your own self-education and personal purposes excluding any group access.

terms - the legally binding contract you enter with us which includes these terms and conditions, the Privacy Policy and other policies, instructions and rules made available on our site.

Envato Tuts+ sites, Envato Tuts+, or sites - the sites, apps and other services in our Envato Tuts+ branded network. You’ll know from the Envato Tuts+ name that a site, app or service is in our network and covered by these terms (unless we make clear on a site that other terms apply).

You or your means any users of the site (including those browsing or accessing an account).

Congratulations! You've reached the end. Thanks for taking the time to learn about Envato Tuts+ terms of use.

Effective date: October 2, 2023