Juliet Ofoegbu

Developer & Technical Writer
I'm a front-end developer and technical writer proficient in building functional and responsive websites and web apps using modern web technologies. I also write technical articles to simplify these technical concepts to aid developers on their tech journey.
Build an Interactive Image Gallery with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
5 Awesome CodePen Demos: CSS Transitions and Animations
Let’s Build a Multiple Choice Quiz App With JavaScript
Use JavaScript APIs to Get the Current Date and Time
Types of Events in JavaScript: Common Keyboard and Mouse Events
15 Important Considerations for Choosing a Web Dev Framework
Team Collaboration With GitHub
The Downside of Using innerHTML to Manipulate the DOM and Some Alternatives
Best Practices for Efficient DOM Manipulation in JavaScript
Use querySelector to Add and Remove Element Class Names
Timing Events in JavaScript: setTimeout and setInterval
Git on Windows Made Easy With GitHub Desktop