Joel Falconer

Joel Falconer is the co-founder of public relations company Methodic Studios, publishes the gaming blog StartFrag, and is an editor at leading technology news site The Next Web. You can follow him on Twitter.
Give Drums Impact with Parallel Compression
How to Create a Headphone Mix
How to Use the Sound Cube to Plan Your Recording
How to ReWire Individual Reason Instruments into Logic Pro
How to Automate Audio Tracks in Logic Pro 8
11 Totally Free VST Synthesizers That Sound Great
50+ Great Lyric Writing Resources
15 Totally Free Reverb Plug-ins That Rock
Make a Punchy Rock Drum Beat Using Reason's Redrum
36 Reason Tutorials, Refills, Applications and Communities
10 Best Affordable Microphones for the Home Studio
Perfect Balance: Arrangement from the Engineer’s Perspective