Jemima Abu

Front End Developer
I'm a self-taught front end developer and school-taught systems engineer from Lagos, Nigeria.
I write the kind of articles I'd like to read when trying to learn a new technology or implement a feature.
How to Animate on Scroll With Vanilla JavaScript
How to Create Animated Snow on a Website (With CSS and JavaScript)
I’m Going to Show You How to Build a CSS-Only Modal
Easy Slider (Carousel With Pure CSS)
How To Build a Simple Carousel With Vanilla JavaScript (14 Lines of Code!)
How To Build a Website Search Bar with JavaScript
Write Your Own Password Validation with JavaScript
Make A FullScreen Button with JavaScript (for Video and Other HTML Elements)
How to Implement Debounce and Throttle with JavaScript
How to Build an HTML Accordion (No CSS or JavaScript!)
How to Recreate the Mac Dynamic Wallpaper on Your Website
How to Create a Custom Mouse Cursor with CSS or JavaScript