JavaScript is the language of the web. If you want to code for the web, you need to know JavaScript inside and out. From humble beginnings, JavaScript has...
If you want to create a web app, at some point you'll need to connect to an API—whether to save user data, retrieve real-time information, or access data...
Almost every web app will require some sort of a registration and login form. Not only that, but registration forms are a great learning project for Angular...
When you're just starting out with Angular, you'll probably write your app as a single module. This works fine for small apps, but for more complex...
When it was first released, Angular turned the world of front-end development upside down. It was one of the first modern JavaScript frameworks, and the...
Web Components are a collection of four distinct technologies that come together to form a new way to package and reuse self-contained components built with...
Sails.js is designed to make it easy to build Node.js web apps. Like Ruby on Rails, it implements the MVC (model-view-controller) pattern and saves a lot of...
In this course you'll learn how to create a custom generator for the web app scaffolding tool, Yeoman. A good scaffold is like a kick starter for new...
In this course we'll learn all about the excellent source control management system Git. We'll also see how we can use the brilliant GitHub as a remote...
Learn how to create extensions for Google's Chrome browser. In this course you’ll learn everything you need to know in order to extend the functionality of...
In this course you’ll learn all about the excellent script and module loader, RequireJS, which is essential when creating complex JavaScript applications...
In this course we'll look at what we need to do to install and configure Apache 2.4.7. We'll also review many of the things that you'll likely want to do...