Alexander Egupov

Alexander lives in the Ukraine and has a passion for vector illustrations. He enjoys being part of the Tuts+ authors team!
How to Illustrate a Screw-bolt and a Nut with 3D Effects in Illustrator
How to Create a Vector Pencil in Adobe Illustrator
How to Draw a Wheelbarrow in Perspective in Adobe Illustrator
How to Draw a Power Plug in Adobe Illustrator
How to Illustrate a Vintage Stopwatch in Adobe Illustrator
How to Vector a Spirit Thermometer in Adobe Illustrator
How to Create a Hand Whisk using Gradients and Blends
How to Create a Can with a Barcode in Adobe Illustrator
Quick Tip: How to Illustrate a Mosaic Background in Only 5 Minutes
Create a Cordless Mouse and Pad with Vector Textures using Adobe Illustrator
Create a Childrens Swing using Clipping Masks and Blends
Use a Basic Polygon, 3D Rotate & Gradients to Illustrate an Umbrella