Gavin Selby

Gavin Selby is a Graphic Designer who has 12 years studio experience working with Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop and After Effects. Although his design work is mainly digital he also enjoys drawing, print making and creating animations. He believes in collaborating and sharing knowledge and that's why he is writing for Tuts+.
Quick Tip: Using Quick Apply in InDesign CS5
Quick Tip: Creating Live Captions in InDesign CS5
Quick Tip: Designing a Business Card with InDesign CS5
Quick Tip: Designing a Halloween Invitation with InDesign
Quick Tip: Designing a Basic Compliment Slip with InDesign CS5
Quick Tip: Designing a Basic Letterhead with InDesign CS5
Quick Tip: An Introduction to Scripts in InDesign CS5
Quick Tip: An Introduction to Threading Text in InDesign CS5
Quick Tip: An Introduction to the Page Tool in InDesign CS5
Quick Tip: Creating Quick Grids and Using Live Distribute With InDesign CS5
Quick Tip: Create Compound Frames in InDesign CS5
Quick Tip: The Gap Tool in InDesign CS5