Dru Kepple

Dru Kepple works at Summit Projects as an ActionScripter, and teaches Flash at the Art Institute of Portland. He writes about Flash-ish things at the Summit Projects Flash Blog. He's always thinking about ActionScript. He's thinking about it right now, in fact.
AS3 101: Variables - Basix
Create an Organic Dissolve With Perlin Noise
AS3 101: OOP - Introducing Design Patterns
AS3 101: OOP - Introduction to Interfaces
Everything You Could Possibly Want to Know About Import Statements*
AS3 101: OOP – Additional Concepts
AS3 101: Quick Tip – When to Use Static Properties and Methods
AS3 101: OOP Inheritance, Setters & Getters – Basix
AS3 101: Quick Tip – Use Access Modifiers Effectively
AS3 101: XML – Basix
AS3 101: The Display List – Basix
AS3 101: Loops - Basix