Dennis Gaebel

Developer & Designer - Rochester NY
Design Technologist passionate for Open Source, SVG, Typography, Web Animation, Interaction Development & Pattern Based Design.
13+ Prototyping Tools for Web Designers
A Web Designer’s Introduction to Adobe Animate CC
SVG Brilliance: 10 Inspiring Examples From Around the Web
Structuring Sass: Saying Goodbye to Atomic Design Ambiguity
How to Animate a Coffee-Drinking Sprite With ScrollMagic
How to Conduct an Interface Inventory With InVision
Completing Our Draggable Off-Canvas Menu with GreenSock
Building a Draggable Off-Canvas Menu with GreenSock
TimelineMax: Getting a Handle on Bézier Tweening
Introducing ScrollMagic 2.0
TimelineMax: Controlling Playback With addPause()
Adobe Illustrator’s SVG Interactivity Panel Explained