Collis Ta'eed

Hi I'm Collis and I work at Envato making awesome websites and generally wandering about the internets!
Premium After Effects Project Files (via VideoHive)
30 Stunning Flash Image Galleries (via FlashDen)
30 Photoshop Web Elements, Backgrounds and Icon Sets (via GraphicRiver)
How to Develop a Library of Web Design Styles
6 Interface Design Principles and Tips Every Web Designer Should Know
Tips and Thoughts from the Creattica Inspire Design
14 Quick and Slick Portfolio Templates (via ThemeForest)
Photoshop a Paper Texture from Scratch then Create a Grungy Web Design with it!
9 Information Design Tips to Make You a Better Web Designer
The 3 Components of Good Web Design
Mix and Match a Layout with Patterns, Photos and Backgrounds
7 Awesome Admin Themes to Skin Your Next Client App (via ThemeForest)