Callum Chapman

Callum Chapman is a self-employed blogger, author, graphic designer and illustrator. He is the founder of Circlebox Blog, and is also the founder & co-owner of, a design blog dedicated to giving cool products away! Drop him a line at Twitter!
Showcase of Macintosh Dashboard Widget UI Designs
Inspiration: The Top 36 Musician Web Designs
Inspiration: Fantastic TV Fan Art
More Than 350 Free and Premium Wood Textures
Inspiration: 40 Typographic Posters
More Than 620 Bokeh Background Textures
From A Childs View: 30+ Creative Children's Book Covers
Inspiration: Character Illustrations in Website Design
From the Silver Screen to Your Computer: Movie Fan Art to Inspire You
Not What They Seem: Deceptive Vexel Artworks
Resources: 400+ Foliage Vectors
No Smock Required: 30+ Awesome Digital Painting Tutorials