Aaron Nieze

Aaron Nieze is a Graphic Designer from Chicago, Illinois. He started in the field of web design and programming, but the design soon became the main act. He is now a graphic designer at Shmoggo.com working mostly with vector based company design projects. Aaron started writing with Vectortuts+ in 2013 with a focus on the free vector software, Inkscape.
Quick Tip: Using and Modifying Brush Strokes in Inkscape
Quick Tip: What are Clipping and Masking in Inkscape?
Quick Tip: How to Create Tapered Lines in Inkscape
Shadows, Blurs, and Other Useful Filters in Inkscape
Playing With Isometric Projection in Inkscape to Make a Minecraft Scene
Tips on Using Inkscape's Fill and Stroke Options
Helpful Align and Distribute Tips When Using Inkscape
Tips and Tricks For Working With Inkscape's Nodes
Quick Tip: How to Export Your Artwork in Inkscape
Quick Tip: Group/Ungroup vs. Combine/Break Apart in Inkscape
How to Create an Easy Geometric Aztec Pattern in Inkscape
Create an Adorable Hedgehog with Basic Tools in Inkscape