Stefan Surmabojov

My name is Stefan Surmabojov. I'm 30 year old motion graphics designer located in Bulgaria with 10 years of professional experience. Most of my time is spend working as a freelancer, but in my spare time I create tutorials for Tuts+ and templates for VideoHive. I love photography, 3D, and VFX.
Building Your Own DIY Camera Stabilizing Rig
How to Safely Clean Your Camera and Lenses
Commercial Production Series: Canon EFS 55-250mm Lens - Part 9
Commercial Production Series: Canon EFS 55-250mm Lens - Part 8
Commercial Production Series: Canon EFS 55-250mm Lens - Part 7
Creating Selective Contrast in Photoshop
Commercial Production Series: Canon EFS 55-250mm Lens - Part 6
Commercial Production Series: Canon EFS 55-250mm Lens - Part 5
Build a DIY Rotating Time Lapse Tripod Head
Creating Realistic Water Surfaces in Cinema 4D with Hot4D
Commercial Production Series: Canon EFS 55-250mm Lens - Part 4
Quick Tip: Maze Trace Plugin for Cinema 4D