Simona Pfreundner

My name is Simona Pfreundner, and I’m an independent graphic designer based in Montreal, Canada. I am a very creative woman with a big love for illustration, speak three languages, and solve problems with visual solutions in a colorful way.
Create a Quick One Page Portfolio in InDesign
Create a Stylized Avocado in Illustrator
How to Create Stereo Headphone Plugs in Illustrator
How to Create an Eagle Head Sticker
How to Create a Recycling, Paper Bag Icon
How to Create a Coupon in InDesign
How to Create a Cute Earth Illustration in Vector
How to Create Your Own Stylized Vector City
How to Create Your Own Stylized, Vector Badge
Create a Yummy Ice Cream Icon with Mesh Objects and Blends
Abracadabra, How to Create a Magic Hat Icon
How to Create Your Own Abstract, Music Design