Sean Hodge

Tuts+ Business Editor (Orlando, FL)
Sean is the Business Editor at Tuts+. You can visit his site Creatro or follow him on Twitter @seanHodge where he chats about the business of creativity.
6 Techniques to Compose Your Work Using Repeating Shapes and Flexible Patterns
How to Create Step-by-Step Photoshop Design Tutorials
Tools & Tips: Smart Objects and Smart Filters
New Entries in the Psdtuts+ Contest
Sergio Ordóñez Suánez Interview
Working Within Limitations to Achieve Great Designs
The Role of Sketching in the Design Process
7 Principles of Effective Icon Design
Inspiration: Assemblage, Montage, and Collage
12 Ways to Tap Into an Endless Well of Creativity
Inspiration: Fire, Flames, and Infernos
Create a Constructivist Inspired Poster