Peter Sawyer

I am a freelance graphic designer from Ipswich in the UK. I have a huge interest in the web and have been pottering with websites for years.
15 Ways to Pump Up Your Portraits
Quick Tip: Understanding Printing Paper Types
Remote Shooting: Using Your Laptop as Monitor and Control for Your Canon DSLR
A Quick Guide to Replacing Skies in Photoshop
Creating an Infrared Effect using Photoshop
Quick Tip: Create Stunning Surreal Planets from Panoramic Photos
Quick Tip: Using Adobe Photoshop to Create a Solarised Photograph
Quick Tip: 2 Split Toning Techniques in Adobe Photoshop
Quick Tip: Create Your Own Daguerreotype in Photoshop
Quick Tip: Replicate a Graduated Neutral Density Filter in Photoshop
Special Effect Filters: Star, Fog, Centre-Spot & DFN
Creating a Stylish Cinematic Photo Using Camera RAW & Photoshop