Jorrit Schulte

I'm just a young guy who is interested in VFX & motion graphics. I'm also pretty active on creating awesome presets for free. Follow me on Twitter.
How to Get Better Control of Warp Stabilization
Make a Chalkboard-Style Scribble and Smudge
Quick Tip - Creating a Pre-comp Loop Preset
Create a World Traveler Animation to Show Where in the World You've Been
Simple Clean Plate Object Removal Using Photoshop and Mocha
Countdown In Style with Clockworks - Custom Effect
Create A Realistic Handwritten "Write-on" Using Expressions
Simulate A 3D Pool Shot Using Newton And CC Sphere
Create Full 3d Reflections With Falloff Using Form or Particular
Quick Tip - Type-On Text Preset With Blinking Cursor
Convert Regular Footage To Stereoscopic 3D
Rotoscoping Depth Mattes With CameraTracker