Iaroslav Lazunov

My name is Iaroslav Lazunov, and I am a graphic designer from Zhytomyr, Ukraine. I am glad that I finally found a job in my life in which I can share my knowledge and experiments with you in my tutorials. Follow me on Twitter or visit my blog Vectorboom.
Interview with Javier Alcalde
Quick Tip: How to Create an All Purpose Water Drop using Adobe Illustrator
Quick Tip: How to Create a Pixel Perfect Glass Button with Adobe Illustrator CS5
Exclusive Freebie Pack - Shiny Vector Sports Balls
How to Create a Fancy Gift Bow using Adobe Illustrator
Interview with Oleg Rogoznev
How to Make a Cheeky Squirrel using Corel DRAW X3
How To Trace a Sketch with a Vintage Comic Style
Create and Print Documents with Changeable Text Fields using CorelDraw X3
Quick Tip: Create a Conical Gradient with Adobe Illustrator, in Two Minutes!
How to Create a Three-dimensional Airplane with Adobe Illustrator
How to Create a Realistic Egg