Iaroslav Lazunov

My name is Iaroslav Lazunov, and I am a graphic designer from Zhytomyr, Ukraine. I am glad that I finally found a job in my life in which I can share my knowledge and experiments with you in my tutorials. Follow me on Twitter or visit my blog Vectorboom.
Create a Picture Gallery in Illustrator
How to Create Realistic, Vector Bubbles
Interview with Maria Dimova, aka Dimary
Quick Tip: How to Create a Cute Snail Using Adobe Illustrator
Interview with Justin Currie
How to Evenly Distribute Objects Along a Path in Adobe Illustrator
Create a Cute Robot Using Adobe Illustrator
Quick Tip: How to Crop Raster Image in Adobe Illustrator
How to Illustrate a Stethoscope Icon
Create a Magical Vector Landscape Using Illustrator
How to Illustrate a Vector Kitchen Pot
Create a Splash of Colorful Paint with Illustrator and Mesh Tormentor