Grant Friedman

Grant Friedman is a veteran blogger, social media manager, design enthusiast, and photographer. Grant is a former editor of EnvatoTuts+ (formerly Psdtuts+) and Editor-in-Chief of Layers Magazine. Grant now works as a photographer and filmmaker covering the fashion and beauty industries.
20 Photo Manipulation and Montage Tutorials for Photoshop
The Artwork of Jeff Huang
The Artwork of Miriam Moshinsky
Win Some Suite Pillows From MySuiteStuff!
Back to the Future: FITC Toronto 2011
The Incredible Digital Paintings of Serge Birault
The Artwork of Emeric Trahand (Takeshi)
Watch: Depthcore's New York City Exhibition
Video Interview With Jennifer Cirpici
Win a Free Copy of Filter Forge (x3)
Automatically Save Your Work With PsdAutoSaver
Epic StarCraft 2 Fan Art