Grant Friedman

Grant Friedman is a veteran blogger, social media manager, design enthusiast, and photographer. Grant is a former editor of EnvatoTuts+ (formerly Psdtuts+) and Editor-in-Chief of Layers Magazine. Grant now works as a photographer and filmmaker covering the fashion and beauty industries.
The Stunning Work of Thomas Mangold
3D Illustrations of Souverein
Our Favorite Filter Forge Tutorials
The Digital Illustrations of Fabio Vido
The 3D Illustrations and Retouching Projects of Radoxist Studio
L’ Enfant Extérieur Series by Cristian Girotto Reveals One’s “Inner Child”
Icons and Infographics by Anton Egorov
Realistic and Believable Character and Creature Concepts of Ken Barthelmey
Watch: Interview With Martin Perhiniak
The Sci-Fi and Character Illustrations of Patrick Reilly
Spaceships, Spaceships, and More Spaceships by Adam Burn
20 Tutorials to Make You a Better Illustrator