David Sale

Part of Sky's growing OTT (Over the Top) platform delivering services to support the catalogue, pricing, offers and subscription management of products for this sector of Sky's business.
System will support the increasing demands of Sky Go and NowTV as Sky unify its offerings in the UK, Ireland, Germany, Italy and beyond.
Java applications in the project makes use of dropwizard (Jetty, Jersey, Jackson) providing RESTful services to the wider platform. Python applications make use of Flask, lxml, simplejson, gunicorn and other libraries to also provide RESTful services to be consumed by the wider platform.
We have a keen focus on testing following behaviour and test driven development. The project is also undertaking continuous deployment via a Jenkins pipeline. The pipeline runs unit, functional/non functional and contract tests, packages the app in a docker container and releases Canary builds. We ensure our application is highly available whilst still allowing us to respond to business requests rapidly.