Cheryl Graham

Cheryl Graham trained as a traditional artist in drawing and painting. These days she spends more time in front of a computer than an easel. She's been using Adobe Illustrator for over 25 years. Her Illustrator work has been featured in the "The Adobe Illustrator WOW! Book" and "Real World Illustrator."
Quick Tip: Using the Gradient Tool and Gradient Panel in Illustrator
Quick Tip: Create a Bat Scatter Brush in Adobe Illustrator
Understanding the Different File Types in Adobe Illustrator's Save for Web
Quick Tip: New Features of the Free Transform Tool in Adobe Illustrator CC
Quick Tip: Four Ways to Crop a Vector Illustration in Adobe Illustrator
Quick Tip: Exporting to Other File Formats in Adobe Illustrator
Create a Coffee Cup Mock Up in Adobe Illustrator Using the 3D Revolve Effect
Why Are Open Paths an Issue With Stock Sites? (And How to Fix Them)
Quick Tip: The Character Panel in Adobe Illustrator
Quick Tip: Combine 3D Effects With Blends in Adobe Illustrator
Quick Tip: Learn How to Create Corner Tiles for Pattern Brushes in Adobe Illustrator
Quick Tip: Using the Print Booklet Feature in Adobe InDesign