Cheryl Graham

Cheryl Graham trained as a traditional artist in drawing and painting. These days she spends more time in front of a computer than an easel. She's been using Adobe Illustrator for over 25 years. Her Illustrator work has been featured in the "The Adobe Illustrator WOW! Book" and "Real World Illustrator."
Create an Elegant Theater Interior with Illustrator
Quick Tip: Additive Graphic Syles
Quick Tip: A Gradient Brush?
Inspiration: 45 Examples of Illustrative Lettering in Vector
Quick Tip: Artboard Options
Quick Tip: Rulers and Guides
Quick Tip: The Tilde Key Trick
Quick Tip: Working with Illustrator’s Navigator Panel and Views
Inspiration: 50+ Vector-Based Book Covers
Create a Forest Scene with Livebrush
Quick Tip: Working with the Group Selection Tool
Quick Tip: How to Make Pop Art with Live Trace