Carlos Yanez

Carlos Yanez is a freelance software developer and interface designer who enjoys using different technologies for creating content. When he is away from the keyboard, he plays guitar/bass and runs a local social website.
Introduction to Corona SDK: Easy Cross-Platform Development
Create a Custom Radio Button from Scratch Using Flash
Get User IP Address Using PHP and ActionScript 3
Quick Tip: Check Flash Player Version Using ActionScript 3
Quick Tip: How to Build a Frame Rate Counter in ActionScript 3.0
Create a Brightness Editor in ActionScript 3
Extend your Flash Application Using the Context Menu
Quick Tip: Get a Random Number Within a Specified Range Using AS3
Create an Image Rotator in Flash Using XML and ActionScript 3.0
Create a Customizable Snow Effect with ActionScript 3.0
Quick Tip: Create a Copy to Clipboard Button in Flash
Generate Graphs in Flash Using FusionCharts