Carlos Yanez

Carlos Yanez is a freelance software developer and interface designer who enjoys using different technologies for creating content. When he is away from the keyboard, he plays guitar/bass and runs a local social website.
Create a Drag and Drop Puzzle in ActionScript 3.0
Create a Password Masking Class in ActionScript 3.0
Create a Dynamic Bar Graph Generator Using XML + AS3
Create a Custom Color Picker in Flash
Create an iPhone Inspired Switch CheckBox Using Flash and ActionScript 3.0
Develop an Encryption App Using Flash and MDM Zinc
Blog Action Day: Create a Virtual Wind Farm in ActionScript 3
Create an Analog Clock Screensaver with Screentime for Flash
Create a Customizable Tooltip in ActionScript 3.0
Create an Attractive Digital Clock in Flash
Create a Glowing Mouse Trailer in Flash
Create a Shuffle Gallery in Flash Using XML and ActionScript 3.0